Now, Roma Wines present... Suspense! Tonight, the Bluebeard of Balak, starring Merle O'Brien. Suspense is presented for your enjoyment by Roma Wines. That's R-O-M-A, Roma Wines. Those excellent California wines that can add so much pleasantness to the way you live. To your happiness and entertaining guests. To your enjoyment of everyday meals. Yes, right now a glass full would be very pleasant, as Roma Wines bring you... Suspense! This is the man in black here for the Roma Wine Company of Fresno, California. Who tonight from Hollywood bring you a star, Miss Merle O'Brien. And a suspense play inspired by an actual recent news item from occupied France. And so with the Bluebeard of Balak and with the performance of Merle O'Brien, we again hope to keep you in... Suspense! Alright, get back, stand back there. Back up the wall. How many were there this time? One. They found most of them. And? It was a soldier, a German. I heard it was an officer. Stay back. Back there. Come on. But they're still digging? Yes. What officer was it, did they say? They think it was Captain Mueller. You know the doctor. They think? They don't know. They're looking for his head. One, two, three, four. Ah, it's an anhyzer. How about this? Of course they found the body, identified the body. Why don't they identify him? Identify him? The Bluebeard. Why they find out who he is. Listen, listen. Attention, attention. Villages of Balak, Saint-Jean, Brelanion, Flumey. Attention. This morning's victim of the Bluebeard of Balak is identified as Captain Franz Mueller, medical officer, attached to the staff of Colonel Strelitz. Oh, an officer. For the first time the Bluebeard himself has been seen, and a description has been provided. Mr. Lübio, please. Yes. I must speak with Colonel Strelitz. Is he here? I have information. Information about what? About the Bluebeard. Is the Colonel here? He's in the staff car. Over there. Please take me to him. I must see him. And who are you? This is Gilles Combre, Madame Combre. I live on the road to Flumey, just outside the village. Well, all right, come along, Madame. Is that the Colonel, sitting in the back of the car? Yes. Now you wait here. I'll see. Colonel Strelitz, Corporal Brecht. Mr. Oberst, there's a woman from the village, Madame Combre. She has alleged information about the Bluebeard. Well, what a hysterical women's room, Mr. Oberst. What shall we do, Kreutzer? It's a possibility. Where is she? Over there, Mr. Oberst. I told you to wait. All right. Come on. Yes, Mr. Oberst. To Colonel Lübio, Madame. Thank you. This is Madame Combre, Herr Oberst. Madame, this is my aide, Lieutenant Kreutzer. It was kind of you to let me speak with you, Monsieur. Kind? Naturally, Madame. When we were told you have information about the Bluebeard. Yes, I have. We can't overlook anything. Now that he's killed one of my own officers. I know, I know. And I, I am next. So? The Bluebeard is going to kill me. He's going to kill me tonight unless you help me. Unless you come home with me and stop him. This is your information? Yes. Why, every woman in Belach believes she is next on the Bluebeard's list. But I know. Madame, the Colonel's time is valuable. We thought you had real information. You don't expect us simply because you hysterically believe that... No, no, please. I know, Colonel Strelitz. How can you know? Because, Monsieur. Because the Bluebeard is, is my husband. Why? Your husband is... Dr. Pierre Combre. Yes. He's the man you're looking for. I've known it for a long time. He is the Bluebeard. Tonight for Suspense, Roma wines are bringing you a star. Miss Merle Oberon, whom you have heard in the prologue to The Bluebeard of Belach by Sylvia Richards. Tonight's tale of suspense. In many foreign lands, wherever you are, you will find a lot of fun. In many foreign lands, wherever wine connoisseurs gather, they enthusiastically praise the distinguished character of Roma wines. Such praise of Roma wines in foreign lands can only mean that they are truly magnificent in quality. Roma wines' excellence is due to a unique combination of California's perfect soil and climate. From whence come the choice Roma wine grapes, plus age-old winemaking skill and modern knowledge. These combine to make Roma constant in quality, uniformly fine, unexcelled in value. Tomorrow, discover for yourself the delightful Roma taste and goodness enjoyed by more Americans than any other wine. Simply serve as an appetizer before dinner a cool glass of golden, nut-like Roma California Sherry. Then on the table, place a bottle of cool, hearty Roma Burgundy. You will be pleasantly surprised at the extra delight it adds to your meal, how it will win new compliments from family or guests. Yet, the cost is only pennies a glass full. Get Roma wines tomorrow. If your dealer is temporarily out of Roma, please try again soon. Ask for R-O-M-A, Roma wines. Remember, more Americans enjoy Roma than any other wine. And now it is with pleasure that we bring back to our sound stage Miss Merle Oberon as Madame Cécile Combré in the Bluebeard of Bellac. A tale well calculated to keep you in suspense. Eleven o'clock. He'll be here in an hour. And if you had not come here with me... You have nothing to fear Madame. The house is well guarded. But won't the guards frighten him away? The instructions are to let him through. They will come in only when we have him trapped and we are armed. Yes, and he does not carry a gun. You know he uses a knife. Madame Combré, why didn't you come to us before if you knew your husband was Bluebeard? First I wasn't sure. Then, when I was sure... well, he was still my husband. Then why now? Because now he will kill me and I'm afraid. I knew when he went away with the body of Captain Muller yesterday. You saw the captain? Yes, I saw it. And when Pierre looked at me, I knew he'd kill me. Tonight. Yes, he may try. It's been weeks of fear and the night, the endless nights... Have you been married long Madame? Long? No, less than a year. You aren't French, are you? No, no, I'm English. I spent a summer in Flomey about four years ago and I liked it, so I stayed. I taught English in the village school there. Dr. Combré? About a year ago there was an epidemic in Flomey and he, Pierre, came there to help. It seemed to me when I met him to be very kind, a very noble man. Of course I didn't know him well, but when he asked me to marry him, I was very happy. The morning after we were married, he brought me here to Bellac, to this house which had been his family's for many generations. It was a beautiful morning, early spring. We came, as you did tonight, up the hill past the summer house to the front door. Well, here it is, Madame Combré. Come, I'll carry you over the threshold. Oh, careful Pierre, don't drop me. No chance of that. Now, this is the hall. Shall I carry you on from room to room? Oh, Pierre, no. Put me down. Very well. Come this way. Now, here is the parlor. Oh, hello Captain Muller. Good morning, Doctor. I've been waiting. I hope you don't mind. They said you'd be back this morning, the people down the road. Yes, I was held up by my wedding. Your wedding? Oh, I'm sorry. Cecil, this is Captain Muller, the medical officer in charge with Colonel Strahlitz. Captain, my wife, Cecil. How do you do here, Muller? Well, Doctor, I congratulate you. I see even an epidemic can be useful. That's one way of looking at it. So, what's up, Muller? Oh, I wanted you to come in tomorrow to help with the vaccinations. About 150 are going out and we need help. The last lot carried typhoid. I'd be glad to help. What time? Well, they are leaving at noon. If you're there at eight o'clock, we'll have enough time. I'll be there. Very well, Doctor. Madame, tomorrow then. Hail Hitler. Hail Hitler. Ah, now we will go on with our tour. Follow me. Pierre, who's to be vaccinated tomorrow? Oh, Labour draftees being sent to Germany. This is the kitchen. The stairs go up from here. What's upstairs? Well, off that first landing there are several bedrooms, mine and others, and on the floor above still more. Before the war there were servants. This is a pantry? Yes. And this door, where does it... Oh, it's locked. What is it? Ah, an old wine cellar. It's not used. A cellar? Do you have a key? There's nothing down there, Cecile, that would interest you. Oh, but I'd like to see. We might be able to grow mushrooms or... No, Cecile, it can't be used. Let's look. Where's the key, Pierre? Cecile. Yes? That door must stay locked. But Pierre... You understand? Yes, but... but why? No matter what happens, you must never try to go down there. Never. You see, Monsieur, it was a small thing. Just a room I must not enter. He told me the room was used for his experiments and I believed him. I was in love. But there were other things and they added up to... fear. Just the taste of fear. A shadow so light I... I didn't know it was there. It was first of all the gossip I heard in the village when I went to market. Ah, good morning, Madame Convray. You're late today. Pierre worked late last night. Is there any milk, Madame Bourget? I can let you have a little pint. Oh, if that's all. Does the doctor work often at night? Quite often, in his laboratory. I could not bear a man who potted around after dark. But it's his profession. Maybe, but I would not sleep a wink. Not with this blue beard around. No, I like a man who is steady, so I know what he's up to. Oh, how can you bear to live in that big depressing house? Oh, but I love it. Well, you're young. I suppose it's romantic to you. It's no place for a woman to be alone. The first Madame Convray, you know. She died there. Yes, Pierre told me. But I know he did everything he could. Oh, yes? It was very sudden. Typhoid can be very sudden. Yes, the certificate said typhoid. That's why your coffin was sealed. Oh! Hey, Jean! Jean, what is it? What is it? What's happened? Everyone's running. There's an announcement, Madame. They know who one of them is. One? Of whom? There were three last night. One of them was a man. Three? Why, the blue beard, he killed three in one night. Cut them to bits. Oh, how terrible. All sliced up and scattered around, Madame Convray. You should have seen. Oh, no. Where were they? In the meadow north of the church. Why, that's near your house. The meadow? Yes, Madame Convray. If you had been awake, you would have heard him. You or the doctor. Yes, if I'd been awake, I would have heard. And one night, I was awake. My husband and I had gone to bed early and I slept well. I'd worked in the garden most of the afternoon. But shortly after eleven, something, some sound woke me. It may have been only an owl screech. I lay in the dark and listened. I didn't hear it again. Then I heard another sound. And I saw there was a little moonlight. That my husband was out of bed and that he was dressing. Pierre. Oh, did I wake you? Pierre, what is it? Nothing, Cecile. Go back to sleep. Is someone ill? Did someone come for you? I have to go out. Go back to sleep, Cecile. I won't be long. Something woke me. I heard a sound. I'm sorry. Did someone come for you? Was it Captain Muller? No. Who is it, Pierre? Who is he? No one you know. Where are you going, Pierre? Do you have to go far? Go back to sleep. I won't be long. But, but Pierre. I'm sorry I woke you. You didn't. I'm sure I heard a... Cecile, it's best that you go back to sleep. I just wondered. It's best for you. Good night, Cecile. He went away, Colonel Strelitz, and I lay there in my bed, rigid, listening to his steps down the dark stairs into this kitchen. I heard the front door open and close. Then he went down the gravel path in the moonlight. I waited. It seemed long, yet it was only a little time. That clock there, I could hear it through the floor, chime the quarter, then the half. When I heard him, it was not yet midnight. Then he came slowly, climbing the hill. I slipped out of bed and went down the stairs to the landing there, from where I could watch him come into the kitchen. But when he came into the kitchen, I could not speak, for he was not alone. Over his shoulders, he carried a body, a man, I think, and he was stooped under his horrible burden. He crossed the kitchen without a word. He did not hear what I was sure he must hear, the pounding of my heart. He took a key from his pocket, holding the body with one hand, unlocked that door to the wine cellar, and went into its awful blackness. Then I was back in my room. I don't remember how I got there, cold and shaking in my bed. When I heard, oh, Monsieur, it was bitterful. I heard rising from the depths of the earth, from where he had gone, the scream of a man in fearful agony. Cecile. Yes, Pierre. You are still awake. No, Pierre, I... I told you to go back to sleep. I was, Pierre, I did. But you are awake now. Something... I heard something. Yes, you heard? It was a man. Yes, you heard? It must have been you opening the door. Oh. You came in suddenly. You must have... Yes, yes, I think I did. Well, we'll go to sleep now. Yes, we'll go to sleep. Pierre. Yes. Was someone ill? Yes. Who was it, Pierre? Did you have to go far? We'll go to sleep now, Cecile. What time is it? It's just past midnight. Midnight was usually the hour, his hour. He always came back soon after. And the following day, there were always the announcements on the loudspeakers in the village. Bodies, pieces of bodies. It was the day when he and your men found out it. It was so horrible for me, because she was so beautiful and still only a child. And you remember, the body was yet warm. So the whistles were blown, calling all the village to the church square, because the bluebeard might still carry his knife or have blood on him. Or he might not get there and be known because he was missing. I was in the village, and I ran to the square with the mayor. And we stood in line with the others. Everyone was there. Everyone except Pierre. What terror I felt. Monsieur, when you began to call the names. Madame Combre, are you here? It's just the sun. It's so warm, yet I feel chilly. You're very pale, aren't you? Here. Why, I don't see Pierre. Here, here. Oh, he's probably with Captain Muller. He'll be here. Pierre Combre. Pierre. Here, here, I'm here. Pierre. Don't look at me like that. You'll attract notice. You're out of breath. Where were you, Pierre? Doesn't matter, I'm here. But your hands, your clothes, they're wet. So you see, I still did not know. And I needed to be sure. I could not live unless I was sure. So I stole the key. The key to the cellar. Yes, it was that easy. While he slept, and the next day he went to the village with Captain Muller. And left me alone with the answer in my hand. I opened the door and went down those steps. Carrying a candle. We will go down there in a moment, Colonel Strelitz. To wait for him. And you will see. There is a little room. Bare and damp by the candle's light. I saw there was something on the table. It was his case. It was his case. Filled with knives. Surgical instruments. Not strange for a doctor. There was blood on them. Fresh blood. And there was more on the table. On the floor. And much blood on a sheet which I found thrown into the corner. I found the strength to get out and to lock the door again. Put the key back that night. So again I did not know. I did not really know until yesterday. I was sewing in the front parlor. And Pierre was walking up and down because he had an appointment with Captain Muller. But the captain was late. What's keeping Muller? Perhaps he got orders. More soldiers came into Belac yesterday. Many more. Yes I know but that shouldn't keep him. There's something going on. They're getting ready for something. Yes but why would Muller... Do sit down Pierre. Your walking makes me nervous. I've spoiled the seam and have to rip it out. Oh I'm sorry. Some of the soldiers were searching houses yesterday. I don't know what they were looking for. Did they come here? Oh no. At least not while I was here. I was in the village most of the afternoon. That's when I saw the soldiers. And there's nothing here to look for. Is there Pierre? That's it. Of course. Why didn't I think he's down there? Pierre. Where are you going? I'm going down to my cellar Cecile. I have work. Pierre. No. Not the captain. Yes the captain and Cecile. I don't want to be disturbed. And then I knew. He was going to kill Captain Muller. He was going to kill a German soldier. Worse. An officer. I knew then Colonel Strelitz that if he would go that far he was no longer a man I could even attempt to reason with. His insane urge to kill my turn on anyone. Even me. I had to stop him. Cecile. Cecile. What are you doing? You can't come down here. You. You killed him. Cecile. Now. I'll have to. But I wasn't ready. It's not time. Captain Muller. They'll track you down. You. You can't get away. Cecile. Be quiet. I warned you. I told you not to. Murder. You did it. You killed him. And the others. I told you. What will you do now? Do. What do you think I'll have to do? And now. Now you know too. And in a few minutes he'll come. And then it'll all be over. It's almost midnight. It's a remarkable story madame. So he made no attempt to harm you last night. No Colonel Strelitz. It wasn't time. Not time. He kills only when he feels the need. And he'd already killed one. So the need was gone. And it was daylight. He left then? Yes. I haven't seen him since. He looked at me. It was a terrible look. And he went. And I knew by the look that I would be the next. Tonight. And Captain Miller? He took the captain's body with him. Come. We must go down to the cellar now. Before midnight. Very well. Lieutenant will you bring the lamp? Yes. I'll bring it. You see. It's unlocked. Has he left it? Close the door behind you Colonel. I will. Careful. The last step. Another door. Oh. It is small and damp. Is that the table? Where he... Yes. Set the lamp there Lieutenant. You can see the stairs. They're quite dry by now. I see. And on the floor. Sit down Monsieur. There where you can watch the door. I will stand here at the back if you don't mind. You're right. It's safest for you. Listen. I heard the clock strike. And... Yes. Listen. It's the door. Have you your guns? Quiet. Yes. But we want to take him alive. You can. He's coming down. Yes. Cecile. Are you there? Put your hands up Dr. Combery. Ah. Visitors. Well done Cecile. Scarcely visitors doctor. A bit more unpleasant for you. Now if you'll... Put your hands up Colonel Strelitz. You too Lieutenant. Madame Combery. He's... He's... The blue beard. I'll take your gun Colonel. And yours. No Colonel. I am no blue beard as you knew very well. It was clever of you to plant the mutilated bodies of your victims to drive me into the open. To create this legend of a blue beard to make the people of Belac suspect all men who work at night as I do. To make the village distrust me their leader. Madame Combery. You saw Captain Muller. Saw his body. Captain? Yes. Pierre killed Captain Muller. He was his one victim. Because the captain was suspicious and pried a little too far into this room. Pierre had to kill him because he was... He saw our radio station behind that wall. Open it Pierre and let the Colonel see. You see. The wall opens easily and behind it is the nerve center for Belac. For our underground army. Army. Sneaks and cowards who set their women to lying. I lied. What else? You said that he carried in a body. That there was a scream in the night. That there was a body. All true Colonel. Yes I carried home a man wounded by your soldiers. And I removed the bullet without anesthesia for we French have no such luxuries. So the blood of that patriot is mixed on the table with that of the late Captain Muller. Don't you know it's hopeless for you? Hopeless? Colonel surely you know that our armies are in France. Americans, English and our underground army which surrounds you. But this house is surrounded by my men. It was you mean Colonel. Are you still there Mr. Porter? Porter? Yeah what do you say Doc? Everything quiet? Quiet as a tomb Doc. All things down there. Who's that? We have what you call a couple of rats Mr. Porter. Then we are finished. Okay. That is Mr. Porter as you heard. He is an American. An American? You? He is commanding a large number of parachutists who just an hour ago dropped into our meadow. And who a few minutes ago very quietly killed the guards you mentioned. Killed? My God. Yes and since you were here in the cellar unfortunately you could not hear. But now Pierre you have your work to finish. Your work? I have orders from my army to kill you and the lieutenant. To secure this advance for our allies. So with Cecile's help I set this little trap. Listen to me you want... Cecile do you want to share the honor? No. No. No. No. Please. No. No. And so closes the Bluebeard of Belloc starring Merle Oberon. Tonight's study in... Suspense. Suspense is produced and directed by William Spear. Have you discovered how much good wine adds to the enjoyment of food? How Roma wine makes even the simplest most inexpensive meals really exciting events. Well all you need do is place on the table with the meal. A cool bottle of hearty Roma California Burgundy. Serve it in any kind of glass. You will find it delicious with any food. And if you are entertaining guests you will find Roma wine just the gracious festive note that makes any dinner party or get together a happy compliment arousing occasion. And remember Roma wines cost you only pennies a glass full. So any home can afford the pleasure they add to everyday living to entertaining. Ask for R.O.M.A. Roma wines. Remember more Americans enjoy Roma than any other wine. Merle Oberon is soon to be seen in the Columbia Technicolor production. A song to remember. Next Thursday ladies and gentlemen same time you will hear Mr. Gene Kelly as star of... Suspense. Presented by Roma wines. R.O.M.A. Made in California for enjoyment throughout the world. This is CBS the Columbia Broadcasting System. R.O.M.A.