PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF PIGMENTS PIGMENT NAME AND CHEMICAL COMPOSITION 1 Aluminum hydrate, A1(OH)3 Aluminum stearate, Al(CisH3502)3 Anhydrite, CaS04 Antimony oxide, Sb203 Antimony vermilion, Sb2S3 Asphaltum (bitumen), carbonaceous Azurite, 2CuC03-Cu(OH)2 Barytes (barite, nat.), BaS04 (blanc fixe, art.), BaS04 Barium yellow, BaCr04 Blue verditer, 2CuC03-Cu(OH)2 Bone black, C + Ca3(P04)2 Cadmium red, CdS(Se) Cadmium red lithopone, CdS(Se) -f- BaS04 Cadmium yellow, CdS Cadmium yellow lithopone, CdS -f- BaS04 Cerulean blue, CoO-»Sn02 Chalk (whiting), CaC03 Charcoal black, C China clay (kaolinite), SPECIFIC GRAVITY2 PARTICLE CHARACTERISTICS 8 Chrome green (med.), Fe4[Fe(CN)6] -f- PbCr04 Chrome red, PbCr04-Pb(OH)2 Chrome yellow (med.), PbCr04 Chromium oxide green, opaque, Chrysocolla, CuSi03-»H20 Cobalt blue, CoO-Al2Os Cobalt green, CoO-»ZnO Cobalt violet, Co3(P04)2 Cobalt yellow, CoK3(N02)6-H20 Diatomaceous earth, SiO2 Egyptian blue, CaO-CuO-4Si02 Emerald green, Cu(C2Hs02)r 3Cu(As02)a Gamboge, organic resin Graphite, C Green earth (celadonite and glauconite), Fe, Mg, Al, K, hydrosilicate Gypsum, CaS04-2H20 Indian yellow, Ci9Hi6OiiMg- 5H20 Iron oxide red (haematite), Fe2O3 Lamp black, C Lithopone (regular), ZnS (28-30%), BaS04 (72-70%) Malachite, CuC03-Cu(OH)2 Manganese blue, BaMn04 -f- BaS04 Manganese violet, (NH4)2Mn2(P207)2 Massicot (litharge), PbO Mayan blue, Fe, Mg, Ca, Al, silicate (?) Mica (muscovite), H2KAl3(Si04)3 Molybdate orange, Pb(Mo, S, Cr, P)04 Naples yellow, Pbs(Sb04)a Ochre, yellow (eoethiteX FeaOa-HoO. clav. 2.45 v. fine amorph. part. 0.99 agg. of spher. gr. 2.93 cryst, frag. 5.75 v. fine cryst. — v. fine red glob. — irr. amorph. part. 3.80 cryst. frag. 4-45 Cr7st- frag- 4.36 v, fine cryst. agg. 4.49 v. fine cryst. gr. — fibrous agg. 2.29 irr. coarse lumps 4.5 min. round, gr. 4.30 min. round, gr. 4.35 min. round, gr. 4.25 fine comp. gr. — round, gr. 2.70 hollow spherulites — irr. splintery part. 2.6o fine, vermicular cryst. 4.06 fine green agg. 6.7 5.96 5.10 2.4 3.83 tabular cryst. fine prism, gr. fine cryst, agg. crypt, agg. round, gr. spher. gr. round, gr. — fine dendritic cryst. 2.31 min. fossil forms — cryst. frag. 3.27 spherulites and disks — irr. amorph. part. 2.36 irr. plates 2.5-2.7 round, irr. gr. 2.36 fine cryst. gr. — prisms, plates 5.2 min. cryst. 1.77 min. round, part. 4.30 fine comp. gr. 4.0 cryst. frag. — gr. and stubby prisms — fine cryst. gr. 9.40 min. flakes — porous irr. agg. 2.89 platy frag. — min, round, gr. — round, gr. REFRACTIVE INDEX* n^c 1.50-1.56 [M*j 1.49 (w. bi.) [W) a 1.570, 7 1.614,18 1.575 [LB] f valentinite, a 2. 1 8, 7 and jS 2.35 ._. \senarmonite, 2.09 (isot.) nu 2.65 (isot.) [M*j 1.64-1.66 [M*J « 1.730, 7 1.838,18 1.758 [LB] a 1.636,7 1.648,0 1.637 [LB] 1.62-1.64 [M*l 1.94-1.98 (bi.) [M] <*s *-723 TS slightly > 1.74 [M*] 1.65-1.70 (for larger translucent gr.] 2.64 (bright red)-2.77 (deep red) < [M*] 2.50-2.76 (for CdS(Se) part) (isot.) 2.35-2.48 (isot.) [M*j 2.39-2.40 (for CdS part) [M*] 1.84 (isot.) [M*] e^Cl. 5 10,0)2^1.645^*] (opaque) ct 1.558, 71-565, £1.564 (all ± [LB, M*] c 2.4 (cf. Prussian blue and chrome ye a 2.42, 7 2.7 +,0 2.7 [M*] ae2(taM < 2.31, Yesta/i 2.49 [M] njA 2.5 [M] « *-S7S* v I-59M r-597 M n var.; max. c i-74biue Osot.) [M] 1.94-2.0 (w. bi.) [M*] 6 1.65-1.79 (dull violet), w 1.68- (salmon) (s. bi.) [M*] 1.72-1.76 (isot.) [W] n mostly 1.435, some 1.40 [M*j e 1.605, w I>635 (pleo.) [APL] <*s ^T1? 7s 1-78 (w. pleo.) [M*] 1.582-1.586 [W] (opaque) [M] n var. c 1.62, (porous) [M*] a. 1.520, 7 1.530,3 1.523 [LB] 1.67 (w. bi.) [M*J cw 2.78, WL< 3.01 [M] (opaque) 2.3(ZnSH.64(BaS04)[M] a 1.655, 7 1.909.0 1-875 [LB] c 1.65 [W] a 1.67, y 1.75, p 1.72 (for violet) [M] an *.5i> Yx*' 2.71, fai 2.61 [M] fa 1.54 (irr.; bi. and pleo.) [M*] a 1.563, 7 1.604, 3 1.599 U-B] 2.oi~2>a8 (isot.} [M*] ficnr. na