PAINTING MATERIALS are finely divided and uniform in particle size. Zinc oxide and lamp black are examples; particles of the former may be perfectly crystalline, existing as stout prisms. Vermilion, prepared in the dry way, is a sublimation product and each particle is more or less a perfect crystal. Pure dyestuffs and toners often appear as stains without any discontinuity in the film, particularly if they are soluble in the film-forming substance. Lake colors are variable in character, depending upon the base on which they are precipitated. The size of grains is usually expressed in microns (i micron, y. = o.ooi mm.). Merwin (p. 499, f.n. i) calls grains very small that are less than o.8/z in diameter; small, those that are between 0.8 and 2/^; medium, 2 to 5/^5 large, 5 to ioju; and very large, over 10^. The most effective black and white pigments are those which have an average particle size in the order of iju in diameter or slightly less. White pigments, however, with average grain size much below 0.5^ do not have such good hiding power as larger grains, they tend to diffuse blue light more than red, and, when mixed with black, give blue-grays (see Merwin, p. 494). Most colored pigments have grains ranging from 0.5 to lOju in mean diameter. Prussian blue and indigo are extremely fine-grained, but pigments like emerald green, verdigris, and cobalt blue are comparatively coarse (see Merwin, p. 499, f.n. 2). Pigments in older paintings, in general, are coarse,' particularly the mineral pigments. Azurite and smalt had to be used coarsely ground because, when very finely ground, so much white light is reflected from the surfaces of their particles that they become pale and unsuitable as coloring ma- terials. Large particle size and graininess are characteristic of the pigments used in early Chinese paintings. Granular, crystalline pigments give a certain pleasing quality to paint films that can not be had from fine, well-dispersed pigments such as are produced for the modern paint industry. Fine and uniform particle size in modern pigments is also partly the result of modern mechanical methods for grinding dry pigments. Control of particle size of pigments is carried out in pre- paration or in dry grinding. The grinding of a pigment in a vehicle ordinarily does not reduce particle size but merely effects wetting and dispersion of each individual pigment particle. Individual pigments vary greatly in density or specific gravity and this varia- tion has to be taken into consideration, both in the preparation and in the prac- tical use of paints- Some pigments, particularly the organic lakes and toners, are light and bulky, and so are a few of the inert materials like aluminum hy- drate (sp. gr. = 2.45). Lamp black is one of these very light materials (sp. gr. = 1.77)* Many of the pigments, however, are compounds of the heavy metals and, hence, have a high specific gravity. Examples are vermilion (sp. gr. = 8.09) and red lead ^(sp. gr. ~ 8.73). Pigments with high specific gravity settle rapidly in liquid paints. In paints that contain mixtures of light and heavy pigments, there are sometimes indications of a slight separation of the light and heavy components when the paint is spread thickly on a horizontal surface. Specific gravity has an important bearing in centrifugal methods for the separation and analysis of paint