MEDIUMS AND ADHESIVES 63 the mucilage coagulates and separates out from drying oils. (See Oils and Fats and Polymerized Oil.) Starches (see also Dextrin and Flour Paste) are carbohydrates occurring in plants and synthesized by them from carbon dioxide and water by means of energy derived from sunlight and absorbed by chlorophyll, their green coloring matter. This process is known as photosynthesis. Starch occurs as white granules in nearly all plants, the granules from different plants differing in size and shape. Because of the difference, a microscopic examination will reveal the source of the starch. The size ranges from a diameter of ip (p = i/iooo millimeter) or less to one of 150/4, and, although in some starches the granules are nearly all large (e.g.y canna), and in some nearly all small (